Jada Kingdom Says “Go find somebody else”; Fans Speculate About Meaning


June 20, 2024

One-half of arguably the biggest clash duo of 2024 in Dancehall (Jada/Stefflondon) seems to have some trouble on the horizon based on a short message posted to Jada Kingdom‘s Instagram Stories. The post was made a few hours ago on Thursday morning.


The puzzling statement left on social media read, “Go find somebody else…” which has left fans to wonder about what the meaning of the short message could be.

As a woman who is not shy about introducing her romantic partners to the spotlight, it can be speculated that there might be trouble in paradise between Jada and her latest beau, Pardison Fontaine (Pardi).

The pair has been very vocal about their relationship and multiple photos and videos of them together have been shared online.

However, it can also be a message to a business associate about some kind of deal gone sour or some other personal matter.

There has yet to be any light shed on the reason behind the puzzling note and fans are left wondering.

