70-YO Boyfriend Does Not Want To Propose


April 19, 2022

After losing her husband some years ago, a woman found love again with another man, who does not seem to be interested in making their relationship an official union. The woman explained that her boyfriend did not even want to make their relationship publicly known.


The 41-year-old woman wrote a letter telling her story and requesting advice from Tell Me Pastor about the man she was dating, who is 70-years-old. The couple met three years ago, and they developed a friendship that progressed into more.

One of the issues detailed in the letter is that the man does not want their relationship to go public. The writer explained they only went out a few times, but he would often visit her home. When he visits, she said that she always finds him staring at her, and sometimes she does not want him to leave.

 Two weeks ago when one of her friends invited her with a plus-one invitation to join a weekend family trip, her boyfriend refused to go.

“One of my girlfriends was going away with her husband and her children for a weekend, and she invited me and told me that I could take him with me. When I asked him, he said no,” she stated.

Her boyfriend got upset because she wanted them to go out, and he told her “he is not ready to let the world know about them”. She expressed that she was ready for them to go further with their relationship and let the world know, but he claims she is rushing things.

The woman also noted that they are both Christians who communicated everything with each other, but when it omes to marriage they could not seem to come to an agreement. While she has one son who lives in New York for her deceased husband, her boyfriend has two children he often speaks about; a son who is married and a daughter.

While he claimed his reason was not wanting to do anything they will regret, she believes that his reluctance towards making their relationship official could be because he felt like she wanted his house.

“I told him that I would like to take this relationship to a higher level. He said that I am in too much of a hurry and he does not want us to do anything and regret it. I told him that I do not want his house, but I don’t want to play around at my age. I think that is part of his problem why he does not want to propose to me,” she explained.

However, she noted that while her boyfriend, who receives a pension, has a “lovely house”, she has a house and a car, so all she really wants is his love. She inquired about his feelings for her before, and he only responded by saying if he did not love her he would not be in her life.

Nevertheless, the anonymous writer could not help wondering what her partner was hiding. She noted that he has only shared concern of possibly not being able to satisfy her. She confidently added that she could “handle” herself so that is definitely not an issue.

Feeling very confused, she asked for advice and stated that she was fed up with talking about their relationship status with him when he did not seem to be interested to go further.

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