JCF Warns that Officers are on Standby for “Gun Salutes”


December 30, 2024

Each year, loud gunshots echo throughout communities across Jamaica when the clock strikes midnight, signaling fresh starts and new beginnings for many. This infamous tradition, known as a “gun salute” is a well-known occurrence, but the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) has issued a warning to the public.


To minimize the risks associated with this dangerous tradition, the JCF cautioned persons to desist from the practice and reminded that “gun salutes” are illegal. The warning also stated that law enforcement officers will be on standby and ready to respond to disturbances.

“Ring in the New Year safely! Gun salutes are illegal, and JCF officers are on standby to respond. Remember, what goes up must come down—celebrate responsibly to avoid serious injuries or worse. Let’s welcome 2025 with joy, not danger.”

While this practice may seem harmless to some, the ripple effect of bullets falling from the sky can result in life-threatening injuries and even death.

Despite the seriousness of the post, commenters on the JCF’s social media have downplayed the situation, leaving remarks such as, “How about jus a 1 knock?” and “Can tan deh deh squaddy ago pass chru fi buss fi him two to 😂.”

