Almost 1400 Men Killed In Ja. So Far This Year,…5,328 Men Killed Since 2013


December 11, 2017

[Sharingbuttons]Accoring to the latest crime statistics nearly 1,400 men have been murdered in Jamaica since January.


The overall tally shows more than 1500 people have been killed since the start of the year.

The figure concerning male deaths is contained in the latest Jamaica Constabulary Force Periodic Serious and Violence Review. It revealed that there are many households now without a father or a male figure as the bloodletting continues.

The review revealed that 1350 males have so far been killed this year due to violence.

The data shows that from 2013 to last week, 5,328 men have been murdered in Jamaica, while 569 women and 236 children died violently during the same four-year period.

Fifty-one children have been murdered this year, surpassing last year’s figure of 37.

The data also show that the gun featured in 82 per cent of the murders recorded so far this year.

Since the start of the year, 1228 people have been killed by the gun; 106 by knife; 44 by machete and 113 by other implements.


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