Conjoined Twins Successfully Separated in Texas During Medical Procedure – Watch Videos


Following a meticulous and immensely high-risk surgery in Texas, conjoined twin girls were successfully separated.

The infants’ parents, James Finley and Amanda Arciniega, were shocked when they first realised that their daughters were conjoined during an ultrasound. Doctors informed the expecting parents that their twins were Omphalopagus twins, which were attached from the breast bone to the belly button and shared a liver.

According to Dr. José Iglesias, as a result of the rare and usually fatal condition, only approximately five to eight conjoined twins reach and stay viable after birth per year, at least for the first few days. Finley and Arciniega’s twins, Amy Lynn and Jamie Lynn, survived the birthing process and were born in October 2022.

A team at the Cook Children’s Medical Center began planning the twins’ separation surgery after their birth, a procedure that took months to coordinate. The 3-month-old infant’s surgery took 11 hours to complete and was conducted by four paediatric surgeons, three anesthesiologists, two plastic surgeons, and 18 other medical professionals.

RELATED: MIRACLE: Conjoined Twins Separated at 16 Months – Video

At the end of the high-risk, hours-long procedure, Finley and Arciniega were happily informed that their daughters had been successfully separated. One of the babies’ wound from the surgery has not yet closed, but according to doctors, both girls will recover from the procedure.

Watch the videos below.


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