Rock Legend Mick Jagger In Portland, Jamaica


February 20, 2022

Lead vocalist of The Rolling Stones and famous rock star Mick Jagger shared a few photographs on social media pages of his recent visit to the parish of Portland, Jamaica on Friday.


On his Twitter page, the rock superstar posted the following tweet “A little downtime before things get busy!” along with four photographs, where he can be seen exploring different venues as he basks in the Caribbean sun.

One of the photos shows Jagger holding a guitar in his hand, with a picturesque view of the lush green bushes and the beautiful blue Caribbean Sea in the background.

The second photo shows Jagger observing produce at a stall of an elderly female vendor in the market.

Photo number three, shows the rock legend, all relaxed while leaning on a green mural as he poses for the camera with a smile on his face.

Lastly, the final photo shows Jagger in a sillier mood as he is seen, to what appears to be laughing while knocking on the door of the Roof Nightclub in Portland.

Not a stranger to the island of Jamaica, Jagger and his band had recorded their 1973 album called “Goat Head Soup” at the Dynamic Sound Studios in Kingston. The Rolling Stones had also featured Eric Donaldson’s “Cherry Oh Baby” for their 1976 album Black And Blue.

The 78-year-old British superstar also attended the One Love Peace concert in April 1978 in the parish of Kingston and signed Jamaica’s very own renowned Reggae artiste Peter Tosh to Rolling Stones Records and released his album called “Bush Doctor” in 1978.

Mick Jagger’s visit to Jamaica has not been confirmed if it is for pleasure or to record new music, however, one would imagine that the visit is for both.

Check out Mick Jagger’s Twitter post below:

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