Usher: I Didn't Sleep With The Big Chick, She's Not My Type


August 9, 2017

[Sharingbuttons]Usher in no way, shape or form had sex with the woman who came forward and claimed he exposed her to the herpes virus, because he’s just not into her type.


Quantasia Sharpton claims Usher picked her out of the audience at a concert, got her number, and went over to her hotel room where they had sex. She claims he didn’t tell her he allegedly had genital herpes.

However, sources told TMZ that Usher may have pulled her up onstage … he doesn’t remember, but he absolutely didn’t hook up with her.

The sources told TMZ that Usher “looks to bring a diverse group of people up onstage, not just supermodels as an esteem booster.”


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