13yo Changes Her Statement About Being Sexually Assaulted by 5 Young Men in St. Ann


May 17, 2021

According to a report today by TVJ News, the young girl who in April claimed that she was sexually assaulted by five young men, changed her statement when she last appeared in court with regards to the matter.


The St Ann community where the incident allegedly took place and across the island were in outrage after initially hearing the report that five men between ages 18 and 22 buggered the teen, the report was done by Superintendent Dwight Powell of the St Ann police Department.

At first, four men were taken into custody and the fifth suspect turned himself over to the police .

It was said that the sexual assault took place on Monday, April 26, but the matter was reported to the police four days later. The report stated that the teenager was on her way to a shop in the undisclosed community in St Ann, when a young man who was allegedly known to her accosted her and dragged her to an unfinished house and sexually assaulted her.

The other four men reportedly went there, and also sexually assaulted the child as well.

Now the latest statement by the thirteen year old detailed that she went with one of the accused men willingly and she was not buggered as she previously claimed. Learn more from the report in the video below.

There was a report that there has been a noticeable increase in cases of underage children, mainly girls, who are now engaging in transactional sex with men who are older. Some girls were allegedly forced or encouraged to do these things by relatives and other people in their communities.

The study branded as a, ‘Stress Test’, revealed the Impact of the Pandemic on Domestic and other forms of Violence in Communities . The study was done by the Caribbean Policy Research Institute (CAPRI) and other agencies, revealed that there was also an increase in sexual abuse of girls by their stepfathers and boys, and an increase in teenage pregnancy.
