15-Year-Old Daughter of a Pastor Shot in Church Yard


January 4, 2020

A teenaged daughter of a Pastor was shot in her head just after midnight when the New Year began when she was in the yard of the Emanuel Chapel, with her friends watching the Pier One fireworks in Mt. Salem.


The teenager’s father, Mr. Mullings revealed that she had surgery done at the nearby hospital and she was recovering. He had joined other church members to pray for his daughter the day after the incident happened. He is thankful that the situation is not worse.

Her mother said she was having a hard time dealing with the situation, as she remembered having a conversation with her daughter not long before they went to the Church Service and the teenager said she felt as if something bad would happen to her in 2020.

However, the mother tried to comfort her and told her that the Lord had brought them through 2019 and she believed he would take them through 2020 as well. She said the church is the safest place, she never thought her daughter could be shot in the church yard.

The police are investigating.


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