2 High-Profile Jamaicans Learn They Aren’t Fathers after DNA Bombshells!


January 11, 2025

As per a report published on Friday, two prominent Jamaicans—a celebrated entertainer and a renowned sports figure—made life-altering discoveries in 2024, learning they are not the biological fathers of the children they’ve been raising.


Terron Dewar, principal of 876DNA, shared with the Jamaica Star that the entertainer conducted a routine DNA test, while the sports figure used toothbrushes for discreet testing. In both cases, the results were conclusive.

As per the report, the sports star tested multiple children and neither child was biologically his. “It’s an emotional rollercoaster,” Dewar told THE WEEKEND STAR. “Many break down when the reality sets in.” On the other hand, the entertainer seemingly tested only for one child.

Dewar revealed a startling statistic—47% of DNA tests conducted by 876DNA in 2024 yielded adverse results, revealing the widespread demand for paternity testing in Jamaica.

It must be noted that females are the ones who mostly make the move for the test to be done. Women accounted for 70% of inquiries, often seeking clarity for their partners or family members. “Women want peace of mind too, whether for family planning or closure,” Dewar explained.
