22 Jamaicans Infected With Delta Variant Of Covid-19… First Shipment of Pfizer Vaccines TOMORROW


August 18, 2021

Just within the last 24 hours, 289 new cases of Covid-19 have been recorded and for some time it has been under suspicion that there might be a new strain of the virus referred to as the Delta variant, that might be behind some of the infections.


What is now certain for sure is that the new Delta variant is indeed on the Island due to a laboratory test that was done with 60 samples. From the test, 40 samples have so far been returned and in a shocking confirmation, 22 of the test subjects were found to be positive with the Delta variant of the virus.

According to the Minister of Health and Wellness Dr Christopher Tufton, further studies of the data received from tests are being executed with hopes to discover any “significant factors” that might have caused the outbreak of the Delta variant of Covid-19.

The minister is also encouraging the people to continue taking precautions by observing the social distance policy, keeping sanitized and wearing their masks. Tufton is also encouraging those 12 and older to get vaccinated as the new Pfizer vaccine comes on the island, which is slated as safe for children and adolescents.

A shipment of Pfizer vaccines are expected to reach the island “Tomorrow” August 19th. The cargo was originally scheduled to be in Jamaica by Tuesday but was delayed due to Tropical Storm Grace.

According to PM Holnes in a tweet published hours ago, the donation will be from the Government of the united States of America. A total of 208,260 Pfizer vaccine doses will arrive Thursday morning, see the tweets below.


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