27 People Killed, 20 Injured in Covid Quarantine Bus Crash in China


September 19, 2022

A bus transporting residents of the Guizhou province in China to a Covid-19 quarantine facility crashed on Sunday, killing 27 of its passengers and leaving another 20 injured.


According to reports, the bus crashed en route to a facility 155 miles away in a remote area at around 2:40 a.m. More so, the reason for this passenger bus travelling during those hours is yet to be confirmed as China’s regulations prohibit them from driving on the highway between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.

Several pictures reportedly of the bus before and after the crash were shared online. In a photo taken prior to the fatal crash, the driver is seen dressed in a hazmat suit with only a section of his eyes left uncovered.

Before the crash photo

Another photograph shows the bus with its top crushed and a hazmat-suited worker spraying disinfectant on it.

Quarantine bus crash photo

While it has not been determined what caused the accident, reports state that the bus overturned and rolled into a ditch.

The accident has since caused outrage across social media, with many criticising the Chinese government for its extreme zero-Covid policy. One policy requirement that is strictly enforced in the country’s capital Beijing is that its residents (over 21 million) queue for PCR tests every three days to access public buildings, as well as short notice quarantines imposed on citizens.

Meanwhile, Guizhou is currently experiencing a spike in Covid-19 infections, with 712 new cases recorded on Saturday, but only two people have died as a result in the province since the pandemic began nearly three years ago.

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