5 Year Old Fatally Hit By Stray Bullet In Duhaney Park


October 7, 2021

Tragedy struck in Duhaney Park, Kingston this morning which resulted in a 5-year-old girl being shot while sleeping at home.


The Jamaica Observer Online reported that the little girl was identified as Denique Salmon and her mother Cary Salmon said she was sleeping when around 1 am she heard gunshots go off, and discovered her child with gunshot wounds.

According to Salmon, upon the incident happening and checking on her daughter, she saw Denique with her eyes pulped and blood ejecting from her mouth. It was at that time that the mother of the child said she reached out to 119, who did a great job by arriving at the scene quickly and rushing her to the hospital.

By then, it is reported that the child was gasping for life, she was later pronounced dead at 1:45 am.

The Jamaica Observer Online, also spoke to a community officer in the area of St. Andrew by the name of Kirk Ricketts, who explained that the occurrence that took place this morning was due to a chain of events that have been taking place in the community for some time as a result of gang violence between two groups.

The Officer also expressed confusion as to why the criminals chose to carry out such reckless activity at that time leading to the child’s death; however, he has stated that investigations are currently on the way.


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