61yo Man from St. Ann Given 28yrs In Prison and Awaits Another Murder Sentence


July 6, 2021

61-year-old Winston Jarrett was finally sentenced yesterday for the murder of Daniel Wishart in the year 2012, he also awaits sentencing for the murder of his 18-year-old sister-in-law with who he was said to have a relationship.


The resident of Discovery Bay, St. Ann was handed down 28 years in prison before chances of parole by Justice Lorna Shelly Williams, who handed the time down to the guilty man under a plea bargain.

According to the Jamaica Gleaner who brought the news, the story goes where Jarrett went into a house painting agreement with Wishart in 2011, for which it is said that he refused to pay the accused. Even though the deceased refused to pay Jarrett, it is said that the accused continued to press the man about payment and was utterly frustrated upon not getting any, and that was when he planned on killing Wishart.

According to the news, Winston devised a plan to clean the carpet at Wishart’s Employer’s house on March 18, 2012, something he had discussed with his co-accused Travoy Mckoy.

The reports detailed that Jarrett and Mckoy did go to the house to clean the carpet on the planned day where, Jarrett also brought a dagger, later cornering Wishart in the storeroom of the building, stabbing him repeatedly and leaving him on the scene until he was found dead by his employer.

The Police later arrested Jarrett for the murderer however in his defence he blamed his co-accused for the act, stating he was going to report the incident but was fearful.

After being charged, Winston Jarrett was later released on bail, for which he also absconded.

It was not until last year that he surrendered himself to the authorities after he was also blamed for the murder of his 18-year-old sister in law, they said he murdered because of jealousy.


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