UK Government Defends Deportation of Jamaicans Despite wide Outcry


February 13, 2020

The UK Government has dismissed the many concerns about the deportation flight to Jamaica and vowed to press ahead with the inquiry into the use of a judicial review.


After more than half the people were removed from the flight list because of the court judgment the prime minister’s press secretary revealed that reaction to the case shows “certain parts of Westminster still haven’t learned the lessons of the 2019 election”.

The flight with the 17 Jamaican deportees took off early on Tuesday.

It was reported that 25 individuals were prevented from being deported because of the court ruling. Approximately 50 persons had been expected to be deported.

The chancellor, Sajid Javid, gladly defended the decision to deport the Jamaicans on Tuesday, saying those who were leaving were not members of the Windrush generation, they were offenders who pose a risk to the public.

“These are all foreign national offenders – they have all received custodial sentences of 12 months or more. They are responsible for crimes like manslaughter, dealing in class-A drugs, rape,” Javid said.

However, there were some deportees who only committed one or two offences and they were living in the UK since they were babies. Mobile phone outages had also prevented the deportees from having legal advice.

It is now said lives are being ruined because the lessons of the past were not learned.

There are some British citizens who believe there is a need for judicial reviews.
More than 40 British children will be separated from their fathers and Boris Johnson only regrets the Courts decision not to have all 25 other persons who broke the law, deported.

The 17 deportees were taken to the precincts of Harman Barracks by the police for processing on Tuesday afternoon after they left the Norman Manley International Airport.

There were relatives waiting for their loved ones, many of them were not willing to speak about their situation.

However, among the deportees there is a drug offender who was deported after he spent 20 years in the United Kingdom and his mother was there to receive him.

There were other kind Jamaicans there, who assisted the deportees in other ways as well.


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