Breaking the destructive cycles of poor Fathering in Jamaica


Chairman of the National Association for the Family, Dr.Michael Coombs, is stating that the disparity that happens between father and child where emotional attachment is concerned could be a factor as to why father’s day is not as recognized as Mother’s day.

Dr Coombs further went on to highlight the importance of the father in the life of the child. He regarded this as very important.


He also describes the relationship that exists between a mother and a child emotionally as the factor that makes mother’s more regarded in a celebratory way.

He went on to further point out that the need for emotions between fathers and children is important. He outlined that research evidence has shown that even just a hug regardless of the simplicity of the gesture can result in sons having less of a violent nature.

Speaking on the same lines of the research Dr.Coombs made it clear that he is not scrutinizing fathers however he is at the realization that many issues being faced by the country are grounded through generations.

Coombs noted that some of the problems currently impacting the country could be attributed to missing fathers.

In a statement made by the Chairman he highlighted that the involvement of young men in gangs when observed has a direct relation to homes without a father and in extension to his arguments he made mention to the fact that a study was done where inmates at a correctional facility were interviewed in 2012 and statistically it was shown that a majority 60 percent of the prisoners had their upbringing homes without fathers.

The same statistics showed however those fathers are more present in the home but according to Dr. Coombs that information can also be misleading as it leads to a false sense of security.

In quoting Dr. Coombs mentioned that “When we talk about fathering, it’s not just the presence of a father in a home. It’s not just being present, but about how involved they are. We know that research has shown recently that there are more fathers in our homes, but we have to be careful in just relaxing with that because it doesn’t mean adequate fathering is taking place.”

In the very researched opinion of Dr. Coombs the need for Education and support is essential as the poor fathering and fatherlessness is a damaging circumstance which needs to be corrected by the tutelage of young fathers and fathers to be as well as giving them the necessary assistance to be fully informed about their roles and responsibilities. He mentioned that central to a degrading society is a collapse of manliness as intended by God.


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