Six men Killed by Law Enforcers in Clarendon


August 2, 2020

War broke out between gunmen from the effortville community in Clarendon as the JDF and JCF law enforcers United on an operation to control violence in the community.


While in the community it is reported that the police and soldiers were met with an attack from gunmen which led to an hour-long exchange of shots.

2 soldiers were reportedly hurt in the turmoil while six of the men attacking the lawmen were gunned down.

After the violence ceased the six men were taken to the May Pen hospital where they were pronounced dead.

Three highly powered guns were also confiscated. The weapons were a shotgun, an M-16 assault rifle and an Ak-47.

Investigations associated with the violence and the cause are still being investigated for which the full details will be released soon.

See pictures of the guns recovered and injured cops below.

RELATED: Gun Men Robbed Over $3M from Westmoreland JN


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