BACK ROAD Sex-Workers Badly Impacted By “NO MOVEMENT” Days


September 5, 2021

The implementation of the “No movement” days by the Government has been impacting many persons gravely, and some have spoken out about its dread impact on their lives however, some of the most affected by the recent lockdown protocols are the sex workers who usually fend to meet their ends on the infamous back road.


According to a worker that was interviewed by the Jamaica Star, the “No movement” days have hindered work as it makes their usual clients busy, with them having to take care of any business before the time runs out as well as their families.

The worker also said that the new lockdown protocols have badly impacted their ability to even pay rent which stands for $1500 per day, further explaining that the limited time has to be spent trying to work as well as to prepare for the lockdown days.

The same-sex worker stated that if the Government was kind enough to issue them business or school grants, they would take It as an incentive to leave the streets.

The woman also said that a lot of the time they have to be supporting each other emotionally because they cry a lot when they think about the burden and “life and death” situation of going out on the streets.

According to her, she has six children and their father died, her father passed away also. The stressed female reported her circumstance to be very hard as she has to be supporting her mother, brothers and her children at the same time.

Another worker explained that even when the Government implemented days of no movement, they still sometimes go to work, having to evade the Police whenever they see them.

One woman who does the laundry for the sex workers reported that; it has been a challenge since the new lockdown protocols have been implemented since she now has to find other means to satisfy her financial needs.


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