Best Of The Best Featuring Koffee and Many More Stars In October


April 5, 2021

The Grammy kid Koffee has been slated for this year’s Best of the Best concert in Miami, among other acts such as Taurrus Riley, Tanya Stephens, Spice, Ding Dong, Tanya Stephens and the soca queen Allison Hinds.


The show was cancelled last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic and will be held on October 10th of this year, different from the usual.

The decision was made by the event organiser, Jabba, to protect the safety of the patrons and allow them to book their hotels in time and travel safely, according to the protocols set by the CDC.

Those persons who bought their tickets for last year’s “Best of the Best”, will also be able to use the same ones to access the event.

With such a line up of great acts, this staging of the show will be one that a lot of music lovers who have been locked up inside, will not want to miss out on.
