Beyoncé & Jay-Z being sued by Jamaican Artist Dr. L’Antoinette For Vocal Credit On Their Track “Black Effect”


June 18, 2020

The music industry has seen it’s fair share of lawsuits over fan credits and Jay-z and Beyonce is now seemingly in the spotlight where that is concerned.


News coming in from popular entertainment news site TMZ is that both parties, namely Jay-z and Beyonce are being sued for a song done in 2018 entitled “Black Effect”.

What happened was that the voice of Dr. L’Antoinette Stines was taped as a commentary on love acting as a prelude to the song “Black Effect” which is a track off the couple’s joint album, Everything is Love. According to Stines her voice was placed on the album without her consent and there was not any form of compensation for her involvement on the project.

On document, Stines had already signed a contract that she claimed was forced on her on the day of the shoot which allows the Carters to use her voice for any purpose fittingly.

Stines further mentioned that the agreement happened under false pretence. These are the factors that constitute Stine’s reason for not wanting to be bound to the contract. She describes the feeling that comes with not be credited on an album as being “artistically raped”.

Stines’ lawyers allege that she’s owed nearly 20 percent of the track’s revenue since her voice makes up the first minute of the almost five-minute song. Dr. L’Antoinette is taking legal actions for writing credit, copyright infringement, violation of her publicity, and damages in excess of $75,000.


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