Big Increase In Flour Prices… See Suggested Alternatives


May 11, 2021

Jamaicans are today worried about the future where the prices of certain basic needs are concerned, as the cost of flour was increased between 8-11 per cent after it was also previously raised in February, by 14 per cent.


Chief operations officer at Honey Bun, Daniel Chong stated to Tvj news that, the company was surprised by the hike in prices, also knowing that producers will be forced to pass on the increase to consumers.

Chong also explained that this might prove to be a challenge to food security in the future since citizen’s salaries are not being increased to expand their purchasing power, and this makes him concerned about the impact something of this sort could have on the standard of living.

President of the Jamaican Agricultural Society, Lenworth Fulton who also spoke to Tvj said that Cassava Flour, Wheat Flour and Breadfruit Flour that are used in baking should now be fully considered due to the trajectory of increase that has been seen.

Citizens, who spoke to the news also expressed their unhappiness with the price increase letting it known that it happened at the worst possible time, and it will have adverse effects on poor people.

A shop keeper who was interviewed, in making his point of being unsatisfied with the changes, suggested that they should have waited until the pandemic is over to raise the price.

According to Jamaica Flour Mills, the hike in flour cost came as a result of oil prices increasing on a global level, combined also with a rise in grain prices such as Wheat which went up by 20 per cent. Check out the TVJ report below.
