Boyfriend reportedly Kills 26yo Girlfriend in St. Elizabeth


January 14, 2020

Another death arising from a domestic dispute took place in South St. Elizabeth, 24 hours after a similar killing took place in Portmore St. Catherine.


The police were called to the scene after the victim, Navia was killed at about 10:45 at her parent’s home. The relationship between the victim and her boyfriend had fallen apart. Mr. Sinclair said his daughter had taken her boyfriend’s car and went back home to her parents and the suspect had followed her.

26-year-old Navia Sinclair, who was with her boyfriend for 5 years, but she left him not long before the murder.

The killer gained access to Navia when he broke into the house through a kitchen window and used a knife from the kitchen to stab her several times. Her father remembers hearing when his wife left his room and when he followed her, he found his daughter lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

He and his wife saw the suspected killer leaving the home but he later called the father to ask what had happened to his daughter.

Many persons are becoming concerned about the men who have been killing their partners in Jamaica recently.

Dr. Lechim Semaj believes more needs to be done by the Government to reduce domestic violence. He believes there should be programs on TV to show people how to deal with disputes.

Jamaicans have not been resolving their differences in a good way and things seem to be getting worse.


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