British Woman Charged LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY for Destructing a Garbage Bin at Jamaican Airport


October 29, 2021

A British citizen was yesterday brought before the court after reportedly denting an Airport garbage bin with kicks, due to her missing her flight that was set for the Heathrow Airport in London.


The British citizen has been identified as Jordann Doyle and as it relates to the charges of malicious destruction that she was slapped with at the Kingston and St. Andrew Parish court, before which she appeared, Doyle made a guilty plea.

The reports are that the situation went down after the British Citizen was at the Norman Manley International Airport, and was informed that her flight was gone. It was this news that pumped the frustration in Doyle causing her to kick the receptacle bin two times leaving it dented.

Chief Parish Judge Chester Crooks, in the court proceedings, spoke to one of the airport representatives who outlined that one of the receptacle bins carries a cost of $1725(USD), which is equivalent to $264,977(JMD) that requires importation to reach the country.

According to Doyle the same day the incident occurred she had offered an amount of $1500(USD) equivalent to 230,415 Jamaican dollars to the airport in compensation; however, the representative from the air station said they do not remember receiving such information from the defendant.

The British citizen who said she had never been involved in any trouble before, asked the court if they could come to an agreement that would find her paying a smaller amount than requested since the price outlined seemed well expensive for the cost of a bin.

Doyle who spoke to the Jamaica Star told them that if she had her phone she would have shown them the extent of damage the bin got, which she thinks was not too bad.

The British Citizen in answering to the court for the charges of malicious destruction of the property told them that the only money she had at her disposal was £1000 for her return ticket, and as such told Chief Justice Chester Crooks that she was only able to pay $10,000(JMD).

Chief Justice Crooks told Doyle that since she made a guilty plea, leniency was a factor of consideration however, he highlighted that what was done is indeed a criminal offence. In the end, the British citizen was given a final fine of $1200 US dollars, for which she paid $150,000 while undergoing the court procedure.


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