CHIEF Currie Issues Statement About DEFENDING Maroon Lands – Video


August 12, 2021

Reports broke a day ago that armed men have been trespassing on Maroon lands, in the Cockpit Country. The armed men were reportedly men who issued threats of extortion to the farmers in the area giving them the choice to comply or have their crops burned.


A video surfaced online of the incident and MP Dr. Chang reportedly said that the Maroons have no ownership of the lands in question.

In response to the ongoing saga and probe by the FLA, Maroon Chief Richard Currie detailed how the Maroons have been in possession of the land for centuries and it was not given to them by the government, it’s land that their ancestors obtain through much sacrifice.

He outlines that the Marrons are not clowns nor entertainment for tourists.

“We believe in democracy and the political freedom of the people,” says Chief Currie who went on to outline that it’s his duty to defend his people with modern weapons including “guns” etc.

In closing, he asked the government to “Keep the peace” because the Maroons are not troubling “No One.”

Check out the latest response to the happenings from Maroon Chief Currie below.


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