CHURCH LEADERS Say Jamaica Government Is About To Introduce “The Mark Of The Beast”


July 14, 2021

The mark of the Beast from the Bible has always been a mystical belief among Christians, believing that it is associated with the end times, and the coming of the Antichrist.


Luckily for those believers, “Vincent Hoo and Wilhelm Lecky, leaders of the FTB Ministries” have decided to stand up for their fellow Christian brethren by putting up billboards in several parishes on the island, warning them about the impending mark of the beast which they say the Government will be introducing soon, in the form of a Sunday law.

The church leaders have so far pitched billboards in Manchester, Kingston and St. Catherine.

Through their warning, they are imploring people not to accept the law in the land because it will soon become a prime discussion amongst them and as such, they have decided to give an early warning because the Government is trying to change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.

According to the FTB ministry elders, they have no fear and are in a state of ready to give their testimonies of God. They also told the Jamaica Star who spoke to them that if anyone accepts the law, the plague spoken of in the Bible will pour out on them.

As such the Church leaders expressed that they are urging people to investigate the matter and take it very seriously.

Efforts were made to contact the leader of Government Business, Ed Bartlett about the concern however there has not been a response as yet.


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