Dread Locked Jamaican Obeah Men in Demand


March 3, 2018

[Sharingbuttons]Ronnie the Jamaican Rasta reader man located in St Catherine, has received requests from people to tie their lover many times. He says it is not hard, you have 2 ways to do it. You write your partners name on the Parchment paper and the sprinkle a special powder on it, before you tie it with a blue and black thread. He says the other way is nasty, so he doesn’t practice that one. 


The Rasta man prepares baths for his clients, he uses special oils, powders and leaves.
However he also explained that whenever a couple started having disagreements very often, he simply lights 2 special candles and pray before he sprinkles special powder and couples start loving each other again.
He says Demons are on the loose and he was given the ability to help.

It has been 20 years since he started this work. In his healing station he has a Bible, candles, some oils and some species of plants.
He says he has worked with a lot of clients over the years, as people from abroad, locals and even Pastors are visiting his place to access his service.


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