Everton ‘Beachy Stout’ Mcdonald To Spend Christmas Behind Bars


December 13, 2021

Well-known Portland Businessman Everton ‘Beachy Stout ‘ will have to spend Christmas behind bars, as it was announced in a court session on Thursday via zoom.


The 67-year-old business mogul has been the subject of two charges of murder involving the deaths of his first wife Merlene Mcdonald in 2009, and Tonia Hamilton-Mcdonald his second wife in July of 2020.

In the case of the murder of his second wife, Stout is being represented by Earl Hamilton who has some time to get his facts right since the prosecution has asked the Judge for some time to get the case files together, regardless of them wanting to proceed with the trial.

Where the co-accused in the murder of Tonia Hamilton-Mcdonald is concerned, Astor ‘Tiny’ Barnes is still remanded as he is still unable to find the $500,000 bail offer that was offered to him so he will need to remain behind bars until December 20 when he will get further notice.

In the meantime according to the information published by Loop News, the Police are still in search of a residence to house the accused for future court dates, as previous addresses suggested to them were thrown out.

The next court date set for Stout is on February 3, and for which he will be remanded until since he was refused bail for both murder cases due to his propensity for violence which the presiding Judge over the case Justice Vinette Graham-Allen said let to him cutting off a man’s finger in Portland.

The death of the businessman’s first wife in 2009 was said to take place at her home in Boundbrook, Port Antonio where after parking her car in a driveway she was shot. It is said that a few years after the incident surfaced with Beachy Stout being the alleged orchestrator of the crime based on his Nephew confessing that Mcdonald told him what had transpired.

Mcdonald’s second wife was found dead in July of the year 2020 lying with her throat slashed beside a burned car which led to Denvalyn ‘Bubble’ Minott and Astor Barnes, were arrested and Minott being given a 19-year sentence with the need to serve 10 years before parole after he pleaded guilty.


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