Flourgon Wins Settlement in $300 Million Lawsuit Against Miley Cyrus and Sony


January 5, 2020

Good news for Jamaica and Jamaican artistes arrived this week when Flourgon the Jamaican Dancehall Reggae artiste was awarded a settlement in his $ US 300 million or $Ja $40 Billion Lawsuit Against Miley Cyrus and Sony. The news came out of Reuters, New York, a reliable source.


Flourgon whose given name is Michael May had filed the lawsuit in 2018 over the 2013 hit song “We Can’t Stop” done by 27-year-old Miley Cyrus who was shedding her good-girl Disney image to become edgier.

Flourgon’s song “We Run Things” was written and produced in Jamaica approximately 25 years earlier with lyrics that portrayed the same meaning as Miley’s song. The only difference in the catchy lines of the song was the word “don’t”. Miley sang “We run things, things don’t run we” while Flourgon sang “We run things, things nuh run we”.
All parties that were involved in the lawsuit have decided that the action will not continue with prejudice, (meaning the case can never be brought before the courts again) and each party will bear their own attorney’s fee and costs.

This victory means a lot for Jamaican artistes who have had issues with copyright infringement for years as huge corporations from other countries have been disregarding their rights.

These lyrics were written in 1981 before Cyrus was born and May is the first to take on the fight in the American Courts. However, Stephen Drummond was determined to win this one for his client.

Cyrus had given credit to other artistes when she used parts of their work, but she didn’t give Flourgon his credit.

Flourgon is now planning to release new music and his son Chad is doing the same.

The amount paid out to Flourgon was not disclosed.


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