Foota Hype To Appear Before Judge in the USA on Monday


December 20, 2019

Selector Oneil “Foota Hype” Thomas is scheduled for a hearing 2 days before Christmas with an immigration judge and he is now in the custody of (ICE) the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


The Jamaican Ambassador to the USA, Audrey Marks confirmed that Foota was detained on Saturday, December 14. After he arrived on board the Independence of the Seas, after it left Falmouth, Jamaica. He was detained for further checks of his admissibility status and travel documents.

“Foota Hype will have legal representation on the day he faces the court”, Marks said. The consulate in Miami would be visiting him as they were in communication with the detention center.

The information about Foota is also posted on the ICE website and confirms that he is at the Krome Processing Centre in Florida.


His fans have missed him on social media, his 4 days of silence has caused them to be concerned about his whereabouts. He was carried away as soon as he came off the Welcome to Jamrock cruise ship.

Foota is now known as the King of mix up and he has been caught up in a lot of controversies.

foota hype surprise detained by ice

Detention a Surprise
Many of the popular selector’s fans are surprised because he has been traveling to the US for a while and they didn’t think this could happen to him.


However, the ICE website states that persons can be detained by the (DHS) Department of Homeland Security and the enforcement arm (ICE) Immigration and Custom Enforcement.

Persons who arrive at the border without a visa, before they apply for refugee status or asylum, committed a crime, or multiple crimes, an outstanding deportation order on record, either past due or pending, or missed prior immigration hearing dates.

Foota Hype was stripped of his Jamaican status jokingly when he was named among the people who would be given to Barbados when the fun-filled #RihannaIsJamaican hashtag went viral.


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