Free Pizza For Vaccination


August 16, 2021

The recent talks about citizens being paid for taking the Covid-19 vaccine have spurred conversations that have caused people to have suspicions about the medicine and the validity, and with the recent events concerning people getting Pizzas for taking the Jab, does not make anything better for the minds of the ones raising questions.


According to the managing director of the Lashings Boutique Hotel, they are only vying for the safety and protection of the people and so are not giving away the food item as an incentive to take the vaccine.

According to Folb who spoke to the Jamaica Star on the matter, he is willing to “do anything, and I will help in any way” if people take the vaccine as in the United Kingdom where he is from, he knows that the medicine has already saved 60,000 lives.

The businessman who owns the Lashings Boutique Hotel in Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth also noted that over a dozen free Pizzas have been given away and his organization has even decided that the promotion will continue for the remainder of the year.

He spoke of the fact that Treasure Beach has a very low number of Covid-19, attributing the ordeal to luck, however, explaining that his hotel is still kept in a manner where sanitization and other cleaning practices are conformed to whilst following the social distancing protocol.

Folb also stated that his family is fully vaccinated, later stating that his actions have been executed for the benefit of the community.

In their vaccination campaign, Jamaica has had 400,000 persons jabbed so far while looking to up that amount to at least 65 percent of the population by March of 2022.


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