Gun Drawn in JLP Supporters vs PNP Supporters Fight – Watch Video


February 6, 2024

As local government elections draw closer political activities are becoming more frequent in Jamaica with several photos and videos of PNP and JLP supporters being posted online over the past week.


Jamaica’s local government elections are to be held on 26 February 2024 following nomination day on February 8.

One of the latest posts which shows supporters in their party’s colour also shows the violent clashes that often take place each time elections happen on the island.

The 30-second-long video starts with a male dressed in a green-coloured shirt seated in a vehicle, having a tussle with another man dressed in an orange-coloured shirt while a female is seated on the passenger side at the front of the vehicle.

The video continues with the man getting out of the vehicle, he proceeds to throw multiple punches at his opponent when another man appears dressed in orange orange-coloured turban to help his associate.

Seeing that he’s being outnumbered the man in a green-coloured shirt draws a pistol which causes his opponent(s) to retreat for a moment.

However, despite the gun being drawn a fight still ensued between two JLP supporters and the PNP support who seemingly started the fight.

The incident reportedly took place in St. Thomas. It’s unclear on which day but it’s believed to be very recent.

Check out what happened below:
