Indian Woman Believed DEAD from COVID-19 Wakes Up


May 21, 2021

A 76-year-old Woman from Baramati, India is currently undergoing treatment for Covid-19 after waking up right before she was to be cremated.


After the lady whose name is Shakuntala Gaikwa was diagnosed, her condition got worse, she was then taken to a hospital on May 10th for treatment.

Sadly after being taken to the hospital, the woman could not get a bed, and eventually falls unconscious in the car she was being kept, with her family later thinking she passed away because of the lack of movement in her body.

After the preparations for her last rites of cremation were being done, it was observed that Shakuntala was crying after which she slowly opened her eyes back to life, and was later brought back to the Silver Jubilee hospital in Baramati, India afterththteagalily realized she was alive.
