Ivany Wright Bail Bond Set


April 6, 2024

Jamaican social media personality Ivany Wright who is currently at the Henry County Jail in the United States after being arrested recently, got her bond updated, it was initially at 0.00 aka no bond.


A “no bond” or “zero bond” means that no bond or bail has been set for the defendant. Ivany has been in police custody since April 4, 2024, per the booking info that’s available online.

See the initial Booking info below:

Based on the current info on Henry County Jail’s website, she received two charges, she was charged for making ‘Terrorist Threats and Acts’ and also ‘Criminal Damage to Property-2nd Degree Damage Greater Than $500’.

The total bond amount is $1,050.00.

After making her way into America a year ago, Ivany was reportedly held at an ICE detention centre for some time before being released.

Back in 2020, Ivany who was 22 years old at the time was also arrested in Jamaica and spent some time in lockup. She went live right after being released then, and it’s expected that she will do the same again as soon as she’s released.


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