Jamaica Air and Sea Ports to Be Closed Tomorrow


March 20, 2020

As of Saturday, March 21st Jamaica air and seaports will be closed “to incoming passenger traffic” stated Minister Andrew Holness, He went on to explain that outgoing passenger traffic will not be banned, in other words, persons will be allowed to leave the country.


Jamaica now has 19 cases of Covid-19 cases, 5 which were believed to be locally spread/transmitted while others were from persons returning from overseas.

“Practice personal hygiene regiment, be careful how you touch surfaces”, “if you often cough or sneeze we recommend using a tissue”, PM Holness also stated that if there is no tissue one should sneeze or caught in their elbow.

PM explains that “it’s not the end of the world”, he explains that he is confident that the world will find a way to combat the virus via treatments and vaccines.

Health officials cleared up rumours about Jamaica’s first death from Covid-19 not being real, it was explained that the 79 year old man in fact died from the deadly virus and some of his family members did not want to come to turn with that fact.

PM Andrew Holness explains that penalties will be handed down to persons who don’t follow through on the rules and regulations “we are not going to allow any one individual to put the nation at risk”.

The ports will be closed for 14 days in an effort to flatten the curve in which the virus is being spread. This restriction will be looked at in the next 14days and updates will be made accordingly


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