Jamaica Included In Apple’s New Limited Edition Watch Bands Based On National Flags


September 13, 2021

Big Tech company Apple, has added Jamaica to their roster of favoured countries while launching 22 well-designed limited edition watch bands, that were made in the likeness of different nation’s flags.


This international collection of Apple Watch bands are called Sport loops, and are now available at Apple stores for 49 dollars, however, the Jamaican limited edition sport loops can be bought on Amazon for as low as $20.

Each watch band is equipped with special downloadable stripes to make it the perfect lightweight accessory for the hand. Persons who purchase a Limited Sport loop, also receive an Apple clip code as a part of their package which enables them to access face sharing.

People are already rushing to get the watch bands due to their comfort and design, which sees them coming in two sizes of 44 mm and 40 mm.

The Jamaican design is especially being sought for since just last year in 2020, the country won the World Flag Olympics held on Twitter combined with this year’s immaculate performances at the Olympic Games in Tokyo. The Jamaican flag design is very unique as well because it is one of two National Flags in the entire world that does not have white, red nor blue in its make-up.

According to Apple, the new Sport loops are made to “Celebrate the indescribable drive and competitive spirit of all athletes and fans.”

It is a great look for Jamaica as well on the international scene as the move allows the country’s culture and National heritage to now be celebrated worldwide, through not only music and sports but also technology.


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