Jamaica Now Has 364 Cases, 29 Persons have Recovered


April 27, 2020

The number of persons who have contracted COVID-19 in Jamaica jumped From 348 to 364 noted on April 27th, 16 additional cases in the last 24 hours, this includes 7 males and 9 females, ages range from a 3-year-old to a 77-year-old. 7 of these new 16 cases were related to a workplace cluster.


So far in Jamaica 143 or 39% confirmed cases are Male while 241 or 61% are females. From these total confirmed cases, Islandwide, the ages range from a 2 months old to a 87-year-old.

A total of 182 cases of the 364 total came from the workplace cluster.

Jamaica has done a total of 3621 tests islandwide since the disease was first confirmed on the Island, Minister Dr. Tufton also states that testings have increased over the past week and will continue to increase in coming weeks.

The minister also reported that Jamaica Public Service(JPS) donated two additional testing machines to help in the increase of testing. The machines are currently at the University of The West Indies.


A total of 36 tests are pending, 334 persons are in isolation while 92 are in quarantine in a Government Facility, 29 persons have recovered and 7 persons have died.

A total of 196 cases have Been confirmed in St. Catherine with more than 70% being from the workplace cluster. Over 300 persons still need to be contacted and interviewed by the Government stated PM Holness.

Earlier the prime minister urged persons who may feel ill to “tan a yo yaad” , “you are not required to go to work no matter how essential you are, if you are ill stay home”.

St. Catherine Curfew will be extended for another 3 days.


There will be penalties for persons who spread the virus in the workplace or in other gatherings.

“We are all in this fight together… Covid 19 is not a death sentence” Andrew Holness explains while also being honest with the public that most persons in the country could contract the virus however it’s important that we don’t overwhelm the health care System.

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