Jamaica now has 471 confirmed COVID-19 Cases, Only 2 Positive In last 24hrs


May 4, 2020

Jamaica has had only 2 positive confirmed cases of Coivid 19 in past 24 hours reported Health Minister, Mr. Tufton a short while ago, Jamaica now has 471 confirmed cases of COVID 19.


The 2 new cases are 1 male and 1 female.

Jamaica has 35 imported cases while 221 persons with COVID-19 were link to the work place cluster in St. Catherine.

291 or 62% are females while 180 or 38% are males with ages ranging from 2 years old to 87 years old.

11 more persons have recovered from COVID-19, Jamaica now has a total of 49 recovered cases and unfortunately 9 deaths.

Jamaica remains on an 8-day doubling curve and is now trending towards a 10-day doubling curve, without the workplace outbreak PM Holness states that the nation would be on a 20-day doubling curve.

Persons 70 years and older are reminded to stay at home, this verbal order for elderly persons is expected to continue for a while after the pandemic stops.

Operation hours for businesses will continue to be from 8:AM to 4:PM, bars continue to be closed however Minister Holness explains that they will update the measures for bars in a few days.

76 persons are in Jamaican quarantine centers.


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