Jamaica Owed US9.5 Trillion by the United Kingdom in Reparations According to Report


August 17, 2023

A copy of a paper that quantifies reparations for transatlantic chattel slavery was recently handed over to Minister Olivia Grange, the Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment, and Sport. Judge Patrick Robinson, Chief Judge of the International Court of Justice, presented the paper to Minister Grange, which, according to the paper, estimates that the United Kingdom is obligated to pay reparations to Jamaica of US$9.5 trillion.


the paper titled ‘Report on Reparations for Transatlantic Chattel Slavery in the Americas and the Caribbean’ which was produced by the international economics consulting firm Brattle included an introduction written by Judge Robinson. Additionally, the report estimates that Spain owes Jamaica US$103 billion in reparations as a result of its actions.


It is the purpose of this report to assess reparations for harm caused during the periods when chattel slavery was practised as well as for harm that continued afterwards.

Robinson went on to explain how the report arrived at the figures below.

“The total sum of reparations to be paid by all former slave-holding states in respect of the period of enslavement is about US$107 trillion. In respect of the post-enslavement period, the total sum to be paid is about US$22 trillion, making a grand total of about US$130 trillion,” said Judge Robinson.


Judge Robinson expressed his deep appreciation for the Brattle report during a meeting with Minister Grange and members of the National Council on Reparation, which he called historic.

“Because for the first time, there is available a scientific and well-argued quantification of the reparations that are due in respect of the universe,” the judge stated.

Judge Robinson received thanks from Minister Grange for his discussion of the quantification of reparations. She requested that the National Council on Reparations study the report in order to understand how it can be incorporated into the Roadmap to Reparation.


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