Jamaica Records 31 Percent Decline In Major Criminal Offences – More Youths Are Urged To Join The JCF


February 8, 2023

Police Commissioner Major General Anthony Anderson reported in a virtual press conference on February 7th that major crimes are down by 31 per cent for the corresponding period of 2022. It was also reported that murders were also down by 34 per cent for the corresponding period as well.


Commissioner Anderson stated in his report that 3 per cent of the criminal cases were still being determined, while 22 per cent of crimes committed were the result of domestic disputes between close people. The Commissioner also reported that shootings were down by 26 per cent, rapes were down by 44 per cent, and break-ins were down by 7 per cent while making note that gang conflicts were the reason for 65 per cent of the murders that took place during the period.

In his speech, he stated that the police are aware of the high rate of killings that occur as a result of interpersonal conflicts and are urging residents to play their part in assisting the police in locating these conflicts while they are still minor so that they can step in before they become fatal.

The Commissioner also took the opportunity to let the public know that the operation of increasing the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s members is still going on. He noted that they were well on their way to meeting their goal of swiftly adding 1,200 new officers to the country’s police force. He also extended his invitation to the nation’s youth, who are willing to make a positive change in the country’s society, to come and join the Jamaica Constabulary Force.

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Commissioner Anderson also indicated that the country’s squadron of motorcycles had been freshly increased in some areas so that the officers could respond to issues faster and more easily. The places he mentioned included St. James, St. Catherine North, St. Elizabeth, and St. Andrew North. He also made notice that the organization has not stopped training motorcycle riders as they attempt to increase the number of capable riders on their quick-response teams.


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