Jamaica Roads Featured on Deadliest Roads Series – Watch Documentary


January 4, 2023

Jamaica indeed is one of the smallest countries in the world, but somehow it still manages to make headlines around the globe. As part of its Deadliest Roads series, Free Documentary, which has over four million subscribers on its Youtube channel, features the tropical island.


It is no secret that Jamaica has some of the deadliest roads in the world. In the past year, 488 people were killed on the nation’s roadways, one more than in 2021, the previous record-setting year.

The documentary focuses its lens mostly on the mystical Blue Mountains situated on the border of the Portland and Saint Thomas parishes and the struggles travellers encounter.

In the documentary, you can see the moist tracks run along the sides of ravines that lead to the many farms and plantations where traversers and drivers have to travel daily. Even the vehicles feel the effects of the treacherous journey, as many cars and jeeps suffer mechanical issues along the way up the mountains.

Blue Mountain coffee is one of the most expensive coffees in the world at nearly 200 Euros per kilo, which is 20 times more valuable than a standard coffee. Many natives are willing to take the risk of making the journey because the results are well worth the effort, according to the many travellers on the path.

According to the local saying in that part of the island, “Just stay cool,” whenever you encounter a struggle along your journey.

Watch the documentary below.


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