Jamaicans in the Epicentre of the Coronavirus as the Death toll Continues to Rise


February 1, 2020

A Jamaican has found himself in the epicentre of the Coronavirus outbreak in China and wants to come home with his other Jamaican colleagues. He is studying for a Masters degree and lives in Wuhan- the place where the crisis began. Now that the disease has spread to 18 countries there is heightened anxiety.


Norville Belvett has managed to contact the Jamaican embassy in Beijing China and other Jamaicans. He says he would rather be anywhere else in the world at this time.

Even though he is the only Jamaican studying in Wuhan University of Technology, he knows of other Jamaicans who are in the region.

He hopes the Jamaican Government will make plans for the citizens who are there and send a message to them soon, as they are on edge. 


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