Jamaicans Think the JPS, OUR, UWI and Customs Should be Investigated by the FBI


January 24, 2023

A thread has started to spread across Twitter since the announcement by Jamaica’s Minister of Finance, Dr. Nigel Clarke, who stated that the alleged 13-year-old Fraud Scheme at the Stocks and Securities Limited (SSL) will attract the attention of the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations) who will be working alongside the Fraud Squad and FID to unravel the multi-million-dollar fraud at the institution.


RELATED: FBI Now Involved in SSL Fraud Scheme

A number of companies were included in the thread that started from a post by Kibwe McGann that suggested that JPS (Jamaica Public Service), the sole provider of electricity on the island, be investigated by the FBI. The post questioned, “Like how the FBI coming I wonder if they can investigate JPS?”

In response to the tweet, many other citizens chimed in by stating which other companies they believe are in need of an internal audit or investigation by outside forces.

While agreeing that JPS needed FBI’s intervention, many others named customs, OUR (Office of Utilities Regulation), UWI (University of the West Indies), Cash Plus, NEPA (National Environment and Planning Agency), KSAMC (Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation), NWC (National Water Commission, FLOW and Digicel also need to be investigated.

Laya Simpson also commented, “Feel a joke all the wul jamaica want a proper investigation.”

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