JCF Revisiting Case After Man Shares Story of Sexual Abuse


The Jamaican Constabulary Force (JCF) is now revisiting an old sexual assault case after the alleged victim threatened to take justice into his own hands years after it was initially reported.

The victim, Michael ‘Cornerstone Boss’ Reid, has shared his story on multiple occasions as he continues to suffer from the trauma. On October 1, Reid made what appeared to be his final outcry as he expressed that he was tired of waiting for the authorities to bring his alleged abuser, Alfred ‘Martin’ Buchanan, to justice.

Calling out the JCF and multiple police departments, Reid shared in an Instagram video that Buchanan brought him to the Orange Bay Estate and molested him when he was 14 years old. Despite being instructed to remain silent, Reid said he told his family as well as people in his community, but he was only mocked.

“Mi report it to everybody. Mi tell di people dem in a mi community and dem laugh off a mi and dem mock mi [ … ] CDA en up hear bout it and CDA send fi mi and send mi guh weh a homes. Mi gah court one time in a January 2015 and all dem do a send mi guh weh a homes,” Reid stated.
The father of two further shared that a decade after he was assaulted there is no further developments in his case despite trying to seek help from multiple groups.

“Mi could a kill him miself. Mi could a murda him miself and mi seh no, mi want do it di law way. Because dem seh yow fi do tings by the law. Mi try fi seek help from Jamaica For Justice, mi try fi seek help from all kind a people fi get justice becaw it a affect mi,” Reid said.

He went on to suggest that he will not allow his trauma to go unavenged, and the authorities will either have to come for him or his abuser. After stating that he had given the police enough time with his case, he threatened that Buchanan’s time was very near.

Reid went on to share photographs of Buchanan, stating in the post’s caption that initially, after speaking out about the alleged assault, he was told to stay quiet by his father. Adding that he was in too much pain to stay quiet, Reid said that his trauma has been overlooked since his assault.

However, in his latest update, Reid shared that he has been to the Lucea Police Department, and the authorities are currently revisiting his case. He also thanked his viewers for their support and offered a word of encouragement to other sexual assault victims.

However, according to Reid, he has been receiving threats. He had previously expressed that his posts may be the death of his father, mother, and other relatives.

In a TVJ News report, it was disclosed that the authorities charged Buchanan and have been searching for him for almost three years after he absconded bail.

Watch the news report below.


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