Kaylan Dowdie Seeks Help For Overseas Treatment


October 4, 2021

It has been 11 months since Kaylan Dowdie has been admitted to the University Hospital of the West Indies, for a C2 spinal injury that she sustained due to a beating she got from a group of women at a party.


On her journey, the battered teen has experienced many troubles including the doctors saying that she only had 1 percent chance of living, she experiencing 9 cardiac arrests and septic shocks. 

The horrors that Kaylan faced, however, did not deter the spirit of survival embedded in her soul as she pushed through all the major issues to reach a point where she could finally respond to stimuli.

For some time, the mother of the teenager who is now 18, has been trying to get an American hospital to accept her since the UWHI, has stated that there was nothing more they could do to help Kaylan.

Luckily, for Kaylan, a medical institution in the states did respond with a letter of acceptance however the new development brings with it some hefty costs that Dowdie’s mother, Veneshia Buckley says she does not have.

According to the hospital that accepted Kaylan, the process might take 3 months or more which would put the expenses at US $425,000 which is equivalent to 62 million Jamaican dollars. The amount per month would be a total of US $140,000 however, Buckley has no idea how she will find it.

According to Kaylan’s mom, she has been receiving donations since she announced the acceptance on her Instagram page, in addition to what she has already saved up but it is still nowhere near the targeted sum.

Buckley in her talks about the issue have given her respect and honour to the UWHI however, she has stated that Kaylan remains in intensive care on the ventilator, not being able to breathe as the hospital cannot help her to get any better.

For persons looking to donate to Kaylan’s treatment, it can be done through the Washington Boulevard Branch of NCB to the account  #134311479 or at the Halfway Tree branch of Jamaica National Bank, to the account #2094529120.


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