Kaylan’s Mother gives Update… Puts Nurse on Blast for Saying she should Give Up on Kaylan – Video


February 3, 2021

“This separation has caused such a rift… because we pay so much attention to Kaylan she feels that we don’t love her” states Kaylan Dowdie’s mother Veneshia Buckley about her younger daughter, she then went on to outline that she took a break from social media because a lot of things were being said on social media that she did not like.


She was at the hospital when she did the video chat to update us, she wanted to highlight that this Friday is Kaylan’s sister birthday and she is currently taking things rough because she dont fully understand why she has to go and live with relatives.

A lot is being said about her, according to Buckley some persons believe that she is changing now, since she is getting the attention and money.

Veneshia states on the contrary that she is not one to lay down and stretch out her hand and prior to corona she had a good job that she was getting a good commission from plus she saves a lot.

Veneshia then went on to talk about Kaylan’s current state. “she is still having infection… that is our biggest fear right now..” however Buckley confirmed that she is doing better than before where breathing is concern and there are improvements in a lot of areas, for example her left side is getting strong even though the right side is not as responsive.

Buckley then got upset and addressed a nurse who was online saying that she should let her child(Kaylan) go however she outlined that no one can make her let her child go.

Watch the entire video below.

RELATED: Kaylan wants “Curry Chicken”… Mother gives Positive Updates on her Recovery to TVJ News – Video Report
