Konshens Holding On To His Wife Regardless Of Being Denied By Her


November 20, 2020

Dancehall artiste Konshens, recently appeared on “Spice it up”, which is a weekly show aired by Magnum Tonic wine and hosted by the queen of Dancehall.


In this episode, Spice, went deep into some relationship-based questions with Konshens, which revealed some very interesting things about the deejay’s life.

One of the questions that Spice initially thrown to the artiste is if he is in a relationship for which he answered yes, however it has been said that his wife has been dismissing the relationship publicly for a few months now.

The “Gracie Noir” Ceo, might have heard the rumours however still proceeded to ask Konshens, how he and his wife are coping as a couple in the pandemic.

RELATED: Woman here Feeling Up Konshens and Wife at a Party [Video]

For that question, Konshens responded that he did not have the issues that most couples have in terms of discovering new things about their partner which might not be likable, as he is in Jamaica and his wife is at his home in Miami.

The Subconscious Records Ceo, also commented that in the lockdown couples have to give and take to work things out, especially when money issues get real.

At one point, Spice asked Konshens if he was more sexually active in the pandemic or not for which he responded jokingly “how it fi increase”, then stating that his yard is in Miami, making reference to his wife not being close to him.

The “Backaz” artiste seems to be holding on to his union with faith, regardless of the talks of being single by his wife.

Spice asked Konshens whether or not he has a onlyfans page and his response was, “not yet” then he explained that it’s 2020 and people needs to have multiple sources of income hence he is in the process of having his own onlyfans page.


Konshens’ wife, whose name is Latoya Spence last year went on Instagram and stated “I am single so it doesn’t matter what @Konshens does with his life has nothing to do with me, I am not into advertising my personal business online, but I want everyone to know this, so that when he starts with his single man acts then ya’ll know that he is single and it is ok for him to act however he pleases. This post is not coming from a place of anger.”

On the other hand, Latoya has reassured us in the past also that,“Thanks for the hundreds of DM (direct messages) but one question…who told y’all I was leaving my husband!? We ain’t no pretenders, we are humans…we have our vulnerable moments and situations; we don’t paint it like we perfect — never have”.

Latoya continued “We don’t ask to be nobody’s couple goals ’cause we both made and making mistakes and learning, and getting better at this thing called life. So all y’all perfect men and women, kudos to you.”

These comments were made after Konshens went online and vented about suicidal thoughts.

She did not stop there and concluded that “He has a strong woman by his side, and he will be nursed back to the strong man that he is — and I will ensure of this. My family, including my husband, is my number one priority right now”.

The couple has a son named Liam and seemingly have been on and off with regards to their relationship over the years.

Check out the Konshens interview below about his love life and work.

RELATED: Konshens’s Wife “Latoya” Accused of Being Scammer
