Laden Sends Serious Message to the Leaders of Jamaica


September 5, 2019

Laden found a way to vent his frustration about the way the police lock of the music at 2 a.m., when parties are kept far from residential areas.


The rising dancehall artiste, who did well in the Rising Stars competition spoke about the fact that Dancehall music is popular abroad now and the young people need to enjoy themselves.

He knows that disturbing old people and children who want to wake up early to go to school is not acceptable, but he can see no reason for the police to be locking off the music at 2 a.m. when the party is far from residential areas.

If this doesn’t stop, he believes the people will demonstrate violently one day, because a lot of young people who are talented dancers and entertainers can get a chance to be a part of the music business when they are at these parties, if the police want to reduce crime they should understand how the music business can help to change the way the youth will think about making their lives better.

Laden also spoke about the criminals who could be attracted to the parties, but he said artistes and criminals all come from the Ghetto and when they are in the party no one knows who the criminals are.

He wants the police and the Government to take another look at the way they fight crime, because the people who party far from residential areas are becoming very frustrated with the police.

See full video below


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