Macka Diamond is 77 years old according to Google

Saturday, January 19, 2019, 4:12 PM GMT-5

If you search google for “the age of Macka Diamond” or “Macka Diamond age” the result will be 77 years old, according to google Macka Diamond was born in Kingston on January 12, 1942

The popular veteran female dancehall star Macka Diamond who’s real name is Charmaine Munroe and also go by stage names Lady Cham, Lady Mackerel, and the Money Goddess again according to google is almost 4 times the age of Shenseea who is now 22years old.

Lady Saw is currently 46 years old, Elephant Man 43 years and Bounty Killer Bounty Killer 46 years.

this result by google could not be true hence the question now is, Whats Macka Diamond’s real age?


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