Man Claims Wife Tied Him And Took Millions From Him


December 21, 2021

A St. Catherine man is in eager need of getting back millions of dollars he claimed to have lost due to his wife tying him. The man spoke to the Jamaica Star who initially published the story and told them that he had been in spiritual captivity for over 24 years because of his marriage, only to be freed when he was prayed for by Religious leaders who fought for his deliverance.


About him being tied by his wife, the man says that the only thing he used to do is go to work and back home, as it appeared that he was incapable of traversing anywhere else due to the witchcraft that he claimed had him under bondage.

According to the man in distress, his wife used to often play in his hair, telling him how she liked it however, he said all that time she was rubbing what he referred to as an “Obeah oil” in it.

When he first met his wife, the man told the news medium that he thought she was an angel but his opinion soon changed after he discovered what she was into which developed a fear in him as he would receive threats from her telling him that she could unleash demons on him.

As a result, the man recounts times being on the bed and feeling as if someone was beside him, only to discover an empty bed, however at times he said when he tried to scream out he was unable to do so and that is how he knows it is “duppy”.

He also claims that his wife has a black book that has verses written in it which he does not recognize as coming from the bible.

One of the stand-out occurrences for him was when he and his wife had a fight and he went to sleep in the living room which led to her threatening to send one of his friends to kill him. According to the man, he never grasped what she was saying until he saw one of his dead friends appear in front of him looking vexed then disappearing, which happened right before his wife went into the room and warned him that he was lucky.

Where his experiences are concerned though, the man says each time he shares them people take them as lies but he is still seeking recourse as he claims that his wife took all the money from his bank cards and built a house for her family and even bought a man a truck, which he expressed to be wickedness.

The wife is also reported to have filed a restraining order against the man claiming that he has been harassing and abusing her but the man says that is just her way to manipulate the justice system. Attorney at Law Bert Samuels has spoken out on the matter, however, letting it known that recourse would not be possible since the woman received permission to access the bank cards, and so a claim of “obeah” would not work in the situation.


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