Man Killed in Landslide at Waterfall in Indonesia – Watch Video


February 19, 2023

A man was killed in a landslide at a waterfall in Indonesia last Tuesday. The incident, which was caught on camera, occurred at around 1:30 p.m. at the Sedudo Waterfall Tourism Object in Nganjuk Regency, East Java Province.


According to Abdul Muhari, acting head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center, unstable soil conditions led to the landslide, resulting in numerous spruce trees collapsing, which came down on the individual.

The footage of the incident shows four persons standing below the waterfall. Shortly after, a large amount of soil and a tree collapsed from the top, and there was a loud outcry as the camera lost focus.

The deceased was transported to the funeral home after an evacuation, according to a report from Voidotid. Currently, the Sedudo Waterfall is temporarily closed while officials investigate the incident.

The BMKG weather forecast predicted that Nganjuk may have moderate to heavy rain with lightning and strong winds from morning until night. Moreover, there is a moderate to high risk of landslide hazards, which can affect ten sub-districts.

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Residents should “increase preparedness and vigilance, especially in conditions of high intensity rain,” Abdul urges. He also advises locals to leave landslide-prone areas in anticipation of further landslides.

Watch the video of the landslide below:


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